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OEM Approvals

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Recommended by Comma

Typical Inspection Data

Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt) 180 cSt
Colour Amber
Texture Smooth
NLGI 2 (medium)
Worked Penetration 280
Drop Point 290
Operating Temperature Range -10 to 150 °C
Oil Separation (168 hours @ 40°C) 6 %
Copper Corrosion (24 hrs @ 100°C) 1a b
Water Washout @79°C 10 %
Roll Stability -2hrs 30 max max
Prolonged Working - 100,000 Stokes +20 max max
Timken OK load 40 lbs
4 ball Weld Load 2800 N
4 Ball wear test, 1hr/60kg 0.8 mm
Emcor Rust Test 0,0
Wheel Bearing Leakage 10 max max
SKF R2F Rig Test, ambient Pass

Product Advice


Product Features

  • Heavy duty lithium complex grease that offers protection over a wide temperature range.
  • Suitable for all wheel bearings.
  • Excellent anti-wear and extreme pressure properties for longer bearing life.
  • Suitable for automatic and industrial applications.
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Product Handling

  • Avoid extremes of temperature
  • Store under cover
  • Product in cardboard cartons must be stored under cover and away from damp conditions
  • Barrels should be stored under cover if possible
  • If barrels must be stored outside then lay them on their side to prevent water collecting around the bungs
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Shelf Life

  • 5 years from date of manufacture
  • Manufacture date can be identified from an eight digit code printed on the bottle. YYYY.MM.DD

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