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OEM Approvals

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Recommended by Comma

CHF11S* and CHF202*, VAG G 002 000 A2 / TL 52 146.00, VAG G 004 000 M2 / M7 / M8, BMW/Mini 54 34 0 394 395, Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep MS-11655, Citroen 9979-A1, Ford WSS-M2C204-A, GM/Opel B 040 2012, MAN 3289, Porsche 000 043 203 33 / 000 043 206 56, Toyota PSF NEW-W, Volvo 11 61 529 / 30741424, *CHF11S and CHF202 are trademarks of a limited liability lubricants supplier in Germany.

Typical Inspection Data

Density @ 20°C 0.827 g/cm³
Viscosity @ 40°C (cSt) 19 cSt
Viscosity Index 330
Viscosity CCS @ - 40°C 1050 cP
Colour Green
Pour Point (°C) -54 °C

Product Advice


Product Features

  • Specially formulated, synthetic oil based hydraulic fluid for power steering, central hydraulic, suspension level control, stability and traction control systems
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Product Handling

  • IMPORTANT: Do not mix with other grades of ATF or Power Steering Fluids. Follow Vehicle Manufacturer’s recommendations when adding hydraulic system mineral oil.
  • Avoid extremes of temperature.
  • Product in cardboard cartons must be stored under cover and away from damp conditions
  • Barrels should be stored under cover if possible
  • If barrels must be stored outside then lay them on their side to prevent water collecting around the bungs
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Shelf Life

  • 5 years from date of manufacture
  • Manufacture date can be identified from an eight digit code printed on the bottle. YYYY.MM.DD

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