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OEM Approvals

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Recommended by Comma

Typical Inspection Data

Colour Water White Liquid

Product Advice


Product Features

  • A fast drying solvent based degreaser.
  • Designed to remove dust, grease and oils from brake components without the need for dismantling.
  • Cleans, degreases and evaporates rapidly.
  • Helps to stop disc squeal.
Product image

Product Handling

  • Caution pressurised container: protect from sunlight and other heat sources
  • Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet
Product image

Shelf Life

  • 3 years from date of manufacture
  • Manufacture date can be identified as follows:
 1st Letter-Year 2nd Letter-Month 2 Numbers-Day Time
2020 A Jan A Number denotes the day of the Month Time in 24 hour format: hour and minutes
e.g. 16:05
2021 B Feb B
2022 C Mar C
2023 D Apr D
2024 E May E
2025 F Jun F
2026 G Jul G
2027 H Aug H
2028 J Sep J
2029 K Oct K
2030 L Nov L
2031 M Dec M

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