Helping you deliver to customers

Your customers trust you to provide the right solutions for their workshops. And to do this, you need confidence in the products you supply.


Made for mechanics.

Comprehensive product range 
Our comprehensive product range and tools are designed to help you cater to the unique demands of your clients.  We empower you to provide the right solutions to workshops which lets you improve your service offerings, strengthen customer loyalty, and help your business thrive.
Tailored stock selection
Take the guesswork and uncertainties out of inventory management and stock selection. You can make data-driven decisions based on real-time insights on what products to stock and supply for your customers, and in what quantities, by using our innovative Stock Profiling Tool.
High-quality promotional materials
We’re here to support your success, which includes exclusive access to promotional materials that can be used in and around your premises. These materials are curated to showcase the quality, reliability and value of Comma products, to help boost your sales efforts.
Application support
We offer you more than just technical assistance, our application support can also be a valuable tool for your sales strategy. Our dedicated team can provide you with the expertise needed to recommend and supply the right oil, antifreeze, coolant, and other service consumables to your clients.

We're here to help

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One of our team member will get back to you as soon as possible.

    • Search our product catalogue which has full details of each product. 

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    • Or submit your query using the link below

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    • Our product catalogue has full technical details and safety data sheets.

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    • Or submit your query using the link below.

    • Alternatively you can call our technical helpdesk

      +44 (0)1474 546 318

      Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.30pm. 

    • Ask an expert
    • No problem, submit your request using the link below

    • Alternatively, call us on:

      +44 (0)1474 564 311

      Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 5:30pm

    • Get in touch
    • You can contact us using our link below.

    • Altenatively call us on 

      +44 (0)1474 564 311 (General enquiries)

      +44 (0)1474 546 318 (Technical enquiries)

      Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.30pm. 


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