Antifreeze and Coolants

Our range of manufacturer approved antifreeze and car engine coolants are filled with Glysantin from BASF, so you know the engine is protected against corrosion, overheating and freezing.


Made for mechanics.

Manufacturer Approved
Our premium range of Xstream antifreeze and coolants are filled with Glysantin from BASF and fortified to provide typically 5 years of protection. Formulated and approved for a wide range of commercial and passenger vehicles - ensuring excellent protection from corrosion, overheating and freezing.
Industry Standard
We offer a range of traditional antifreeze and coolants, formulated with Ethylene Glycol. We supply in ready-to-use or concentrated formats.

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      +44 (0)1474 546 318

      Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.30pm. 

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      +44 (0)1474 564 311

      Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 5:30pm

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    • You can contact us using our link below.

    • Altenatively call us on 

      +44 (0)1474 564 311 (General enquiries)

      +44 (0)1474 546 318 (Technical enquiries)

      Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.30pm. 


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