Make running your

workshop simpler

With vehicle-specific oil recommendations backed by our unique 100% compatibility guarantee. 


Made for mechanics.

Compatibility Guarantee
It’s time to make running your workshop simpler with vehicle-specific oil recommendations backed by our unique 100% compatibility guarantee.


Comma, as a producer of Original Equipment (OE) specified products, is obliged to produce products, in accordance with OE specification. 

Comma has registered with the Association of the Constructors of European Automobiles (ACEA) through the European Engine Lubricants.

Quality Management System (EELQMS) as a producer of Original Equipment specified products and therefore Comma products may be used during routine servicing without affecting the vehicle manufacturer’s warranty.

In this guarantee, references to motor vehicles are to motor vehicles as defined within Commission Regulation (EC) No 461/2010.

Comma’s guarantee

Comma’s guarantee is only applicable for use of Comma products in the United Kingdom. The guarantee applies to all motor vehicles, including those which are within their warranty period, which are serviced with Comma products purchased in the United Kingdom.

Comma hereby undertakes and GUARANTEES that on the date of their delivery to our distributor:

All relevant Comma products will meet specification as claimed or as agreed in writing; and all relevant Comma products as claimed or as agreed in writing will be compatible with engine, braking, gearbox or cooling systems in motor vehicles.

This Guarantee does not affect the purchaser’s statutory rights.

Conditions of the guarantee

This GUARANTEE is conditional upon the strict usage of the Comma products being in accordance with:

The recommendations as listed at; and The motor vehicle being serviced in line with the manufacturer’s recommended service intervals and regimes.

This guarantee is also conditional upon none of the exclusions listed below being applicable.

How to claim under the guarantee

1) Upon discovery of the damage (but not later than 21 days from the date of discovery of the damage and not later than six months of the date of the vehicle having been serviced with a Comma Product) call Comma’s Customer Services Manager on +44(0)1474 564 311.

2) Allow a Comma representative and a mutually appointed assessor/engineer to examine the vehicle and maintenance records (if available) to determine the extent of the damage. Proof of purchase will be required to confirm that the Comma product covered by this guarantee was in use.

3) Allow a Comma representative to obtain a relevant engine oil, transmission oil, coolant or brake fluid sample for analysis at no cost to you to assist in determining the cause of the equipment failure.

4) A full report, with the outcome, will be sent back to you within a timely manner.

This guarantee excludes:

Comma products used in equipment that has been modified outside of the original equipment manufacturer’s original specification.

Comma products that have been used in a manner which is not in compliance with any standards, conditions, instructions or specifications which have been provided with such product or could otherwise be reasonably implied.

Comma products that have been negligently used, or which have been used for a purpose other than their original stated purposed.

Comma products that have been used in conjunction or mixed with any other product or additive that has not been authorised for use by Comma.

Failure of, or damage to, equipment that is due to a pre-existing condition or that is otherwise unrelated to the use of Comma products.

Any damage that has been caused by normal wear and tear of equipment (and any repair to, or replacement of, equipment to the extent the repair or replacement relates to damages constituting or arising from normal wear and tear).

Any claim alleging that damage to an engine, braking, gearbox or coolant system has been caused by reasons of the Comma product not meeting the specification claimed or agreed but which is not proved, supported or verified by a mutually appointed assessor or engineer.

If any provision of this guarantee is held to be unlawful, invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced by any rule or law, all other conditions or provisions of this guarantee shall nevertheless remain in effect.

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      +44 (0)1474 546 318

      Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.30pm. 

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      +44 (0)1474 564 311

      Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 5:30pm

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    • You can contact us using our link below.

    • Altenatively call us on 

      +44 (0)1474 564 311 (General enquiries)

      +44 (0)1474 546 318 (Technical enquiries)

      Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.30pm. 


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